swell up
英 [swel ʌp]
美 [swel ʌp]
- → see:swell 2
- expand abnormally
- The bellies of the starving children are swelling
- Another itchy bite will soon swell up.
另外一个蚊子包很快就会肿起来。 - Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.
她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。 - Now, swell up like a gobbler and tell me that he is worth a thousand blackguards like me and that I should n't dare to be so presumptuous as to feel either pity or contempt for him.
你现在可以像火鸡那样叫唤,你可以告诉我像我这样的流氓,一千个顶不上他一个,怎么竟敢如此狂妄,竟然对他表示怜悯或鄙视呢。 - In about four per cent of cases, the parasite makes patients'legs and, in men, their scrotum swell up greatly.
在大约4%的病例中,这种寄生虫让患者的腿如果是男性患者,还包括他们的阴囊严重肿大。 - I'm now in my80s, but whenever I think of that look on Dad's face, my heart still feels as if it will swell up and burst.
现在,我已经80多岁了,但是每当我回想起我爸当时的面部表情,我就感到我的心仍然在膨胀着,像是要胀裂一样。 - Don't prick that boil; allow it to swell up and burst.
不要挑破那个疖子;让它肿起来自己破裂好了。 - Open a flap in your suit to let the fart out, and your blood would boil, your skin and internal organs would swell up, and-finally-you` d freeze.
若在宇航服上开个口,把臭气放出去,很可能将导致你的血液沸腾,皮肤和体内的器官膨胀,最终,你会被冻僵的。 - You will swell up to normal size.
你也可以膨胀到正常的尺寸。 - The sprain made my ankle swell up.
我的脚踝扭伤肿了起来。 - And poke out his eye, and swell up his tongue?